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import { spread } from 'patronum';
// or
import { spread } from 'patronum/spread';

source = spread(targets)


This method allows to trigger many target at once, if they match the source structure. It is useful when you need to destructure object and save values to different stores.


source = spread({ field: target, ... })
  • When source is triggered with object, extract field from data, and trigger target
  • targets can have multiple properties
  • If the source was triggered with non-object, nothing would be happening
  • If source is triggered with object but without property field, target for this field will not be triggered


  1. targets (Record<string, Event<T> | Store<T> | Effect<T>>) — Flat object which key is key in source payload, and value is unit to store value to.


  • source (Event<T>) — Source event, data passed to it should be an object with fields from targets


Conditionally save value to stores

import { createStore, createEvent, sample } from 'effector';
import { spread } from 'patronum';
const $first = createStore('');
const $last = createStore('');
const formReceived = createEvent();
source: formReceived,
filter: (form) => form.first.length > 0 && form.last.length > 0,
target: spread({
first: $first,
last: $last,
$ => console.log('First name', first));
$ => console.log('Last name', last));
formReceived({ first: '', last: '' });
// Nothing, because filter returned false
formReceived({ first: 'Hello', last: 'World' });
// => First name Hello
// => Last name World

Nested spreading

const $targetA = createStore('');
const $targetB = createStore(0);
const $targetC = createStore(false);
const trigger = spread({
first: $targetA,
second: spread({
foo: $targetB,
bar: $targetC,
$ => console.log('targetA', payload));
$ => console.log('targetB', payload));
$ => console.log('targetC', payload));
first: 'Hello',
second: {
foo: 200,
bar: true,
// => targetA Hello
// => targetB 200
// => targetC true

spread({ source, targets })


This method allows to trigger many target at once, if they match the source structure. It is useful when you need to destructure object and save values to different stores.


spread({ source, targets: { field: target, ... } })
  • When source is triggered with object, extract field from data, and trigger target
  • targets can have multiple properties
  • If the source was triggered with non-object, nothing would be happening
  • If source is triggered with object but without property field, target for this field will not be triggered


  1. source (Event<T> | Store<T> | Effect<T>) — Source unit, data passed to it should be an object with fields from targets
  2. targets (Record<string, Event<T> | Store<T> | Effect<T>>) — Flat object which key is key in source payload, and value is unit to store value to.


Save fields of payload to different stores

import { createStore, createEvent } from 'effector';
import { spread } from 'patronum';
const $first = createStore('');
const $last = createStore('');
const formReceived = createEvent();
source: formReceived,
targets: {
first: $first,
last: $last,
$ => console.log('First name', first));
$ => console.log('Last name', last));
formReceived({ first: 'Sergey', last: 'Sova' });
// => First name Sergey
// => Last name Sova
formReceived({ first: 'Patronum' });
// => First name Patronum

Call events on store changes

import { createStore, createEvent } from 'effector';
import { spread } from 'patronum/spread';
const save = createEvent();
const $form = createStore(null).on(save, (_, form) => form);
const firstNameChanged = createEvent();
const lastNameChanged = createEvent();
source: $form,
targets: {
first: firstNameChanged,
last: lastNameChanged,
}); => console.log('First name', first)); => console.log('Last name', last));
save({ first: 'Sergey', last: 'Sova' });
// => First name Sergey
// => Last name Sova
// Nothing, because store is null

source = spread({ targets })


This overload receives targets as an object. May be useful for additional clarity, but it’s longer to write


source = spread({ targets: { field: target, ... } })
  • When source is triggered with object, extract field from data, and trigger target
  • targets can have multiple properties
  • If the source was triggered with non-object, nothing would be happening
  • If source is triggered with object but without property field, target for this field will not be triggered


  1. targets (Record<string, Event<T> | Store<T> | Effect<T>>) — Flat object which key is key in source payload, and value is unit to store value to.


  • source (Event<T>) — Source event, data passed to it should be an object with fields from targets

source = spread({ targets: { field: Unit[] } })


Multiple units can be passed for each target field


source = spread({ field: [target1, target2], ... })
source = spread({ targets: { field: [target1, target2], ... } })
spread({ source, targets: { field: [target1, target2], ... } })
  • When source is triggered with object, extract field from data, and trigger all targets of target
  • targets can have multiple properties with multiple units
  • If the source was triggered with non-object, nothing would be happening
  • If source is triggered with object but without property field, no unit of the target for this field will be triggered


Trigger multiple units for each field of payload

const roomEntered = createEvent<{
roomId: string;
userId: string;
message: string;
const userIdChanged = createEvent<string>();
const $roomMessage = createStore('');
const $currentRoomId = createStore<string | null>(null);
const getRoomFx = createEffect((roomId: string) => roomId);
const setUserIdFx = createEffect((userId: string) => userId);
clock: roomEntered,
target: spread({
roomId: [getRoomFx, $currentRoomId],
userId: [setUserIdFx, userIdChanged],
message: $roomMessage,
roomId: 'roomId',
userId: 'userId',
message: 'message',
// => getRoomFx('roomId'), update $currentRoomId with 'roomId'
// => setUserIdFx('userId'), userIdChanged('userId')
// => update $roomMessage with 'message'