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npm i patronum


Just import method from the root module:

import { throttle, splitMap } from 'patronum';

Or from the personal module:

import { throttle } from 'patronum/throttle';
import { splitMap } from 'patronum/split-map';

Except patronum/debug. It is only available by personal module import.

Be careful in the module naming:

  • Method export always exports as named export in camelCase
  • Module with the operator always named in param-case

Helpful reading

Prefer Operators over Methods

Tests and SSR support

For SSR it is very useful to automatically identify each store, so it is recommended to read article about Stable Identifiers in Effector.

Tests can be written without SWC or Babel-plugins, but it is recommended to use them to simplify debug and development.


Install @effector/swc-plugin to your project then add it to .swcrc:

"$schema": "",
"jsc": {
"experimental": {
"plugins": [["@effector/swc-plugin", {}]]


Just add effector/babel-plugin to your .babelrc or babel.config.js at the "plugins" section:

"plugins": ["effector/babel-plugin"]